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Distance Learning

Here is an overview of our Distance Learning Plan. Please note that this plan is subject to change. We will begin distance learning on Tuesday, March 31st. At this point, distance learning will be in place until the last day of school, Wednesday, May 27th.

Lower Elementary

  • LE will be using email communication to assign work and check in with students.

  • At the beginning of each week, teachers will send an email outlining all work for the week. We are still using the idea of a weekly work plan. Like in school, students have the flexibility to determine when they complete their work over the course of the week.

  • Feedback to students will be provided via email.

  • Teachers will offer a Zoom session for students for 1-hour a week to communicate with students, answer questions, and provide support. The time/day of the Zoom session will be posted to the class. Students are not required but encouraged to join. Teachers will be on for the whole hour and students can pop in and out. We kindly ask that parents NOT join Zoom sessions. These are for students only.


Upper Elementary

  • UE will be using Google Classroom to assign work and check in with students. Work will be posted for the week, and students can work on assignments when they choose throughout the week.

  • Feedback to students will be provided via Google Classroom.

  • Teachers will offer a Zoom session for students for 1-hour a week to communicate with students, answer questions, and provide support. The time/day of the Zoom session will be posted to the class. Students are not required but encouraged to join. Teachers will be on for the whole hour and students can pop in and out. We kindly ask that parents NOT join Zoom sessions. These are for students only.


Middle School

  • MS will be using Google Classroom to assign work and check in with students. Work will be posted for the week, and students can work on assignments when they choose throughout the week.

  • Feedback to students will be provided via Google Classroom.

  • Teachers will offer a Zoom session for students for 1-hour a week to communicate with students, answer questions, and provide support. The time/day of the Zoom session will be posted to the class. Students are not required but encouraged to join. Teachers will be on for the whole hour and students can pop in and out. We kindly ask that parents NOT join Zoom sessions. These are for students only.


Additional Information

  • If you have a question for your child's teachers, please email them first. Teachers will have set office hours in which they will be responding to emails.

  • Office staff will be conducting their work from home. You can also email them with questions, just like during the school year.

  • Electives will start the first week for MS. Specials will not start until the 2nd week of distance learning for LE & UE.

  • Email and Remind will continue to be our main routes to communicate with parents. We will also post updates on our website and Facebook page.

  • There will be no Parent/Teacher Conferences at this time. We will try, as best as possible, to communicate via email and voice call.

  • We are NOT asking parents to teach skills or present lessons.

  • We ask that parents do NOT join class Zoom sessions. Those are specifically intended for our students.

  • As much as possible, we are not asking you to print any items at home. Try to use technology for students to fill out forms and engage in work (i.e., marking up pictures digitally).

  • Based on direction from Pasco County Schools, our campus is closed. We have to limit people coming on campus. With the exception of device distribution, we do not have any plans for students to come to campus to pick up materials, books, etc. All materials will be provided virtually.

  • Be on the lookout for welcome emails from teachers for distance learning.

Technology Issues: 
Please reach out to Ms. Amy at if you or your child have any technology related questions or concerns.

Important Resource Links

Zoom - video/audio conferencing for meetings ( 
● MobyMax (
● ReadingPlus (
● Newsela (


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